What is Workers’ Compensation Fraud?

What is Workers’ Compensation Fraud? Part One of Two on Fighting Fraud with Insured Solutions Workplace injuries happen – and Workers’ Compensation Insurance is designed to be helpful when it does. It helps employees who have been injured on the job by covering medical costs and replacing missed income, and it protects employers from being […]

Claim Reporting Basics, Part 3: The Claim Reporting Trap

This is a continuation of our four-part series on claims reporting. Missed Part 2: Reporting of Injuries by the Employer? Click here!  “I think I’m injured!!” As an employer, those should be the most chilling words you can think of. Not just because you care about your employees as people, but because those words can cost […]

Claim Reporting Basics, Part 2: Reporting of Injuries by the Employer

This is a continuation of our four-part series on claims reporting. Missed Part 1: Introduction to Claims Reporting? Click here! As the employer, which injuries should you report? The answer is simple: all of them! Now, we’re not talking about paper cuts here or a stubbed toe from kicking the copy machine, when it refuses to […]

Claim Reporting Basics, Part 1

When it comes to workers’ compensation, claims reporting is one of the most difficult subjects to try and wrap your head around. But understanding it is vital so that you don’t make a mistake that could end up costing you in the end. Let’s learn a little more about it, shall we? No matter where […]

Workers’ Comp Medical Costs Expected to Rise 4% in Coming Years

Do medical costs ever go down? It would be a welcome and unexpected pleasure if they did, but don’t count on it happening anytime soon. According to a recently released briefing by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, medical costs in workers’ comp claims are expected to rise over the next couple of years. This […]

Claim Reporting: Guidelines, Warnings, and Tools

This is one of the most critical subjects you will ever try to understand about Workers Compensation. Yet, it is not a subject that screams out to you at the moment of your possible fatal mistake, a mistake all too often made when using employer based logic. Each state obligates employers to report every injury, […]
