New A-Rated Program for Your Parcel Delivery Clients:

Please take literally one minute to view our video below on our new A Rated Parcel Delivery program.

Please let me know if you have such a client on your desk who could benefit from this program.

As part of our ongoing effort to be your preferred market for an even broader range of business, we are excited to announce that we will now consider Workers’ Compensation submissions for Parcel Delivery Service Clients in all states.

Program Highlights:

  • A- Rated Carrier with National coverage
  • Pay-as-you-go program with no payroll services required
  • New venture companies accepted, with Owner Resume showing 3 years of industry experience
  • Minimum Premium: $25K CA, $10K all other states

Hard to Place Business?

Insured Solutions, Inc. has dozens of alternative markets for hard-to-place workers’ compensation risks-with or without payroll services. We offer coverage for most risks, high MOD’s and can provide coverage in all states with A-rated carriers. We pay the highest commissions and are eager to discuss any account with a minimum premium of $10,000 in most states depending on the industry.

Join our network today and start your submissions here
