Stay Ahead of Cybersecurity Threats

From malware that effects the ability to use important software to phishing attacks that steal valuable data, there are a wide array of cybersecurity threats that can impact businesses of all types and sizes. Cybersecurity attacks are devastating and disruptive, and can lead to complex legal issues if private customer data, like credit card information, is compromised. To protect your business, your customers, and your data from a cybersecurity attack, learn about some basic ways to combat common cybersecurity threats.

Protect Your Passwords

To secure the devices in your office or business, set passwords for all computers, tablets, business smartphones, or other devices. You should only share these passwords with trusted employees who need to regularly use these devices, and should frequently change passwords to increase your protection. Changing passwords becomes especially important if you have an employee who leaves you business, as they should not have access to your devices if they are no longer working for you.

For some devices, business owners might also consider using a multi-factor authentication system. This system means that in order to access a device, employees must provide both a password and a secondary code.

Don’t Forget about Updates

Most businesses use various types of software to keep their business running, and there is software to help with everything from data management to payroll. If a cybersecurity attack impacts their ability to use the software, it can be massively disruptive to the flow and productivity of a business. Additionally, if the software contains important data—like customer information or sensitive internal data—legal issues can occur if the data is leaked or otherwise compromised through a software breach.

One easy way for to protect your software is to frequently runs updates on software, plus any other critical applications or operating systems. Updates can often be set to happen automatically, which means that you don’t even have to stress about forgetting.

Cybersecurity Training for All

To promote cybersecurity safety and ensure there is a plan in place in the event of an attack or threat, make sure all employees are familiar with the basics of cybersecurity safety. Stress the importance of protecting data and devices, especially to employees who frequently have access to valuable or sensitive information.

Everyone on the team should also be informed about what to do if there is a cybersecurity issue. For example, they should know who to report to if they notice a problem, or what to do if they have a problem with logging into a device or platform.

By knowing the basics of cybersecurity and keeping your staff well-trained, you can protect your business and your valued customers from dangerous cybersecurity threats.

To learn more about managing your business, please contact our team of HR professionals at Insured Solutions. For more information about Insured Solutions, contact us at or 877-213-1999

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