Driver Safety

Time for employers to get involved

Imagine this scenario: You are the employer of a 43-year-old salesperson who has the office reputation for being a ‘lead-footed’ driver. In the past 14 months alone, he’s had one fender-bender and has been cited for at least three moving violations. Since he only drives his personal car, is it the employer’s business to get involved?

This man’s employer didn’t think so’until the salesperson was killed en route to visit a client. Traveling in excess of 90 miles per hour, he lost control of his vehicle and was ejected when the car rolled.

Driving fatalities are the leading cause of work-related deaths, so driver safety is a vital feature in any responsible employer’s risk management training program. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends these steps:

  1. Implement and enforce mandatory seat belt use for everyone in your firm.
  2. Require a valid driver’s license for any worker assigned to drive on the job. Require periodic re-checks after hiring.
  3. Maintain driving performance records.
  4. Teach workers to recognize driver fatigue.
  5. Offer periodic vision and health screenings for any employees whose primary responsibilities include driving
  6. Maintain complete and accurate records of workers’ driving performance
  7. Avoid requiring workers to drive irregular or extended hours
  8. Driving responsibilities for young drivers should be limited. Driving responsibilities can be increased incrementally.
  9. Provide fleet vehicles that offer the highest levels of occupant protection so that employees will be safer in the event of a crash.
  10. Require specialized training for workers who will operate specialized motor vehicles or equipment.

For more information about driver safety issues, refer to the document, ‘Work-Related Roadway Crashes, published by the CDC.

Roland-Mieszkowski, Marek. “Common Misconceptions about Hearing.” Digital Recordings.

Other agencies concerned with traffic safety and employer responsibilities include:

The Federal Highway Administration:

Network of Employers for Traffic Safety:

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety:
