Any insurance sales agent would agree that if a company has employees, it needs workers’ comp insurance. But certain industries with a higher risk for on-the-job accidents need your help even more. The construction industry has some of the riskiest jobs in America. Here, we’re counting down the top five most dangerous jobs in construction, and how a partnership with the right insurance agent can benefit those employers.
Dangerous Job #5: Working with Power Tools. Sure, this includes most construction jobs. But sometimes the most dangerous risks are the ones that are so simple, employees are likely to overlook them. For instance, did you know that OSHA gets reports of 37,000 emergency room visits a year, just from nail guns? For proof that a nail gun incident can be life threatening, consider this story about a carpenter who, on his second day of work, barely missed a major artery when he accidentally shot two nails into his kneecap.
Getting back to the basics is an important part of any safety regiment, but especially for the construction industry. As an agent, you can offer guidance on assembling and instructing these types of basic safety trainings.
Dangerous Job #4: Heavy equipment operators. Many worksites in construction have large machinery on site, which can lead to numerous dangers. However, many of these dangers are avoidable. Not only do operators need to be heavily trained in using the machinery, but site planners should also be aware of the surroundings and be careful not to bring equipment into an area where it’s not suitable. Also, to avoid failure, machinery should be carefully inspected on a regular schedule – an area where agent expertise may be useful.
Dangerous Job #3: Sewer and duct construction. Working in confined spaces introduces a lot of new risks to a construction job. First, it’s important that proper ventilation is secured before sending any crew into a tight space. And in the case of an accident, emergency escape routes should be in place if possible. If not, only the most trained individuals and properly maintained tools can help reduce the risk of suffocation or getting trapped. You can help these employers lower their workers’ comp premiums by searching together for ways to improve the safety of these sites.
Dangerous Job #2: Demolition jobs. Jobs in demolition, or “reverse construction” as OSHA calls it, get a top spot on our list because it is the most unpredictable job in construction. It’s really hard to calculate how gravity and other factors will affect a piece of falling material – hard, but not impossible. Many of the risks of demolition actually can be avoided with proper planning. Electrocution, for instance, is a common demolition injury that safety measures could prevent.
Dangerous Job #1: High-rise construction. Working at heights is the #1 most dangerous construction job. Fall accidents make up 40% of construction-related deaths, and countless more injuries. Not only that, but the higher the building, the higher the risk. Other inherent risks include fire, high winds, and catastrophic events like a flood. Places like the boroughs of New York City have to also worry about harsh winter weather. The type of work being done up in the air also compounds the risk: concrete work and lifting with cranes rank among the most dangerous. These employers already recognize the risks their employees take each day, so the best thing a sales agent can do is prove that they too understand these risks. Showing a proven track record of workers’ comp claims success stories can go a long way when selling to these types of businesses.
While all of these jobs have risks that are difficult to combat, what workers’ comp sales agents are really pitching is their preparedness. Proper planning and swift implementation of workers’ comp claims is the key to minimizing the damage.