Manufacturing is one of the most important, relied upon, and lucrative industries in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 300 work-related fatalities and nearly 400,000 non-fatal injuries each year in the manufacturing sector.
Accidents are expensive. Trained workers are sidelined, outputs are delayed, and production is reduced, all while insurance premiums rise. But the cost of manufacturing accidents is more than just monetary – accidents are devastating, for injured employees, their families, and co-workers. Accidents are an absolute crusher of company morale and job satisfaction, leading to high turnover and lowered productivity.
When manufacturers consider all of the above, it really begs the question: Am I doing enough to make my facility a safe environment?
If you find yourself asking this question, an easy way to challenge the status quo is by testing your plant’s proficiency in the “Three Cs” of manufacturing safety.
Culture. The first step in workplace safety is to build an environment in which safety is a part of the everyday culture. If you’re unsure what that means, start by asking yourself these questions:
- Does facility leadership promote and practice good safety habits?
- Do you have a designated Safety Manager? How does that person get others involved in workplace safety?
- Is safety mentioned only at specified times, or is it built into every meeting and discussion, as well as workflow?
A strong workplace safety culture is one where leaders demonstrate, rally around, and incorporate safety into every facet of operations.
Communication. While leadership plays a pivotal role, ideas and suggestions can (and often do) come from anywhere within the organization. This is why it’s so important to talk to employees regularly and encourage two-way communication regarding safety. That way, you aren’t just mandating standards, but listening to the safety concerns and ideas of the employees the decisions affect most.
Consistency. Perhaps the most important piece of the safety puzzle is maintaining consistent standards. The moment when complacency settles in is the precise time when safety is most at risk. Be sure that scheduled maintenance checks are completed in the same way and with the same enthusiasm every time. Additionally, plan a regular time to go over safety regulations, offering suggestions for improvements and addressing the effectiveness of any changes that have previously been made.
Safety is something that should never go overlooked, especially in the manufacturing industry. If you feel your facility fails to meet any of the “Three Cs, you may consider partnering with a safety solutions company or revisiting safety standards. You really can’t afford not to!
For questions regarding workplace safety or workers’ compensation, contact Steve Petty at (229) 207-0664
More information:
Charity Murphy is a freelance writer for Insured Solutions and Improv comedienne based in Louisville, Kentucky. She lives with her husband Ben and their two dogs, Sprocket and Ms. Brisby. |