Setting Standards for Accountability and Role Expectations

Your business, regardless of industry, requires devotion to employee accountability in order to maintain a productive and healthy work environment. While each industry is different, the outcomes or goals are relatively similar.

There are a number of benefits to setting accountability standards and expectations for employees. Setting clear accountabilities allows the organization to:

  • Define clear priorities for teams and departments.
  • Establish direction to improve individual performance by further clarifying expectations.
  • Create and maintain a work environment centered on empowerment and trust.
  • Reinforce company values, objectives, and annual goals.

In the situation where you recognize accountability and role expectations are lacking, it can be difficult to discern where or how to begin. Here are our top four tips for setting employee accountability standards and role expectations.

  1. Company Goals. Strategic goals are often critical to the success of any business. Many times employees do not know or understand the company goals or their target results. Rectify this situation by encouraging open communication and face time between executive management and non-manger employees. Employees are more likely to remember specific conversations over key performance indicators.
  2. Lead by Example. Employees should see accountability taking place at every level of the organization. As managers, you should be building up your employees rather than taking credit for their work or ideas. Take this a step further by outwardly acknowledging the positive impact of accountability as frequently as you are able. For example, managers should receive kudos for a job well done, that extends beyond their door to their employees. This creates a full-circle or 360-degree environment of like-minded individuals who are looking to see one another succeed.
  3. Continuing Education and Training. When it comes to training or performance-based education, employees are always looking for a more customized approach. Enlist the help of a tool that allows for the content or learning material to be loaded in bulk, but delivered using a prescriptive algorithm to employees when and how they prefer. Letting employees make choices when it comes to their on-the-job training means they are being put in control of their career development and future at your company.
  4. Quickly Address Performance Issues. Managers who recognize employees who are struggling with the enhanced environment should have one-on-one conversations, either once or schedule recurring regular meetings, to address any issues post-haste. Waiting to address an issue will only allow the employee’s emotions to fester and deepen their frustration. Employee satisfaction and performance should always be a top-of-mind concern for your organization.


When implemented properly, you should be able to notice how immensely beneficial employee accountability and role expectations are for the entire organization. Managers should feel comfortable having conversations with employees where the focus is on giving and receiving feedback. Additionally, urge managers to spend extra time with each employee to help them take accountability for their actions and associated behaviors. 


Insured Solutions can help get your organization on the right path. Contact us today to get started.

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